- Mouthpainter
Lim Kyung Sik
- South Korea
Kyung Sik Lim was born on 20 June 1977 in Bucheon, South Korea. He went to primary and secondary school, and went on to a vocational college. In 1995, aged 19, he was seriously injured in a motorbike accident. As a result of the accident he suffered complete C4 quadriplegia. Since then he has not been able to use his upper or lower limbs. During a 2-year stay in a rehabilitation centre, he found out about the MFPA artist Jeong Park from the MFPA. From 2007 onwards he had to live in a facility for disabled people, where he started to paint a little with the mouth. He taught himself how to do it by watching video clips which showed how to paint pictures with the mouth on YouTube. In 2011 Mr Lim went to painting lessons, run by a well-known college for fine arts, once a week. His interest in mouth painting kept growing and he improved his painting abilities step-by-step. He particularly likes to paint landscapes and uses oil paint for these. Mr Lim has already exhibited his work, both on his own and collectively, at various exhibitions.