Date of birth: 05.04.2012
Scholarship holder since: 01.03.2022

Diogo Alexandre de Sousa Silva was born on 5 April 2012 in Franca, SP, and from birth has been confronted with handicaps. He was put in intensive care for a month and 19 days in the paediatric hospital of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Franca, where he was intubated for several weeks. His situation was critical. After a time, he was diagnosed with arthrogryposis (joint deformity). Diogo Alexandre de Sousa Silva is an excellent pupil, both in school and in his private painting course. He is euphoric and vigorous, and for most of the time very inspired and charismatic. He is a keen learner who draws, paints, plays, and loves football. Artist Maria Goret Chagas drew his attention to the Association.

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