- Mouthpainter
Anghel Florin
- Spain
Florin Anghel was born on 9 February 1981 in Bukarest, the capital of Romania. In 2004 he suffered a gunshot injury which resulted in a fracture of the C5 - C6 vertebrae and an injury to the spinal cord at C3 (left) - C5 (right) vertebrae. After a stay at the rehabilitation centre for tetraplegics in Toledo he was admitted to the care centre for the disabled - the C.A.M.F. - in Legánes near Madrid in 2005. At the mentioned care centre he had access to painting workshops where he also started to create simple oil paintings in 2005. The continuous progress of his mouth painting skills enabled him to produce his own creations of themes he found in photos. In the meantime the artist paints subjects taken from nature, in particular people and wild animals, with strong light and colour contrasts in a realistic style. This has enabled him to participate in nationwide painting competitions and exhibitions.